Thankful Thursday


Today I'm Thankful for Life.  It might sound very general but I think we sometimes forget to be grateful for the gift of life.  This last week I went to two funerals one was for a distant family member that lived until 95 and the other was for my Great Uncle Dr. Herbert Avery that delivered me as a baby.  Both left a wonderful legacy as they were blessed to live such wonderful lives.  This really made me think about the legacy that I will one day leave and what I want that to look like.  Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave?  I love the saying "Don't strive to make your presence notice just your absence felt".  I think the key to having a Great Full life is being Grateful for Life.  Love and Blessings Everyone!!!

Btw After 29 blessed years I still have the delivery shirt from the Hospital.  It reads "I Was Delivered by Dr. Herbert B. Avery"

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